SSJWD Well Data Collection
The Shandon-San Juan Water District is undertaking a data collection effort to get a better understanding of the hydrogeology that makes up our portion of the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin. In collaboration with District landowners, we are examining as many of our wells as possible to accurately map areas of relative connectivity and to distinguish areas that are less connected. The District will ultimately use this information to select wells that accurately represent each part of our area as monitoring wells to be used in implementation of the GSP. ​
Published September 25, 2020
Consent Form for Well Access and Data Use
Dear Shandon-San Juan Water District/GSA Landowner,
One bright spot of 2020 is that, thanks to the cooperation of folks like yourself and other landowners, a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) was completed and submitted to DWR for the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin. Now it is time to embark upon the next phases of this journey.
The Shandon-San Juan Water District is undertaking a data collection effort to get a better understanding of the hydrogeology that makes up our portion of the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin. One of the key steps in this process is to gather information from existing wells that will help us paint a better picture of what is beneath us including standing water levels, perforation elevations, well depth, and even just an accurate location. We need your help. We are reaching out because we think that you have one or more wells that could help us in our efforts and we would like to discuss the possibility of reaching an agreement that would allow the District, and our consultants and engineers, access and short term use of the information from your well. The District would also be grateful for any form of well data you can share, including photocopies of old well records.
To gather the standing water data from the wells, we have hired Debbie Cooper and Charity Doherty from Wayne Cooper Ag Services. Using this data, the District’s hydrogeological engineer, GSI Water Solutions, will examine as many of our wells as possible to accurately map areas of relative connectivity and to distinguish areas that are less connected. The District will ultimately use this information to select just a few wells that will accurately represent each part of our area as monitoring wells to be used in implementation of the GSP.
Just to clarify, this data collection effort is being led and funded by the Shandon-San Juan Water District so there is no cost to you as the landowner. The confidentiality of your data is of great concern to the District. During this study period, the District and our Consultant Engineer will hold this data solely for the purpose of this study.
If you can help us and wish to participate, all you need to do is fill out this Consent Form for Access and Use of Well Data and share any old well records you have on hand. We can make the photo copies. Please sign and return the form via email at or by mail to: P.O. Box 150, Shandon, CA 93461. We would like to get to work as soon as possible. If you could get this back to us by October 5th, we would appreciate it.
If you have any questions, concerns, or would just like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact us at
Thank you for your time.
New Monitoring Wells & Stream Gages
SSJGSA has helped the Department of Water Resources install a stream gage on Cholame Creek right above Shandon and completed installation on another stream gage on the San Juan Creek at Shell Creek Road crossing.
The City of Paso added monitoring wells at the 13th ST bridge and at the Estrella/Airport Road crossing. The City of Paso Robles has also installed stream gages along the Estrella River at Whitley Gardens / Hwy 46 E Bridge and the Salinas River at San Miguel. ​
Potential Stream Gage Sites
SSJWD discussed these potential projects and resources at the April 21, 2020 Board Meeting.