GSA Partners
The GSA's listed below joined together to form the Paso Basin Cooperative Committee (PBCC) to collectively develop and implement one GSP to sustainably manage the portions of the Paso Robles Basin underlying their combined service areas (i.e. all portions of the Basin located within San Luis Obispo County).
City of Paso Robles
County of San Luis Obispo
Estrella-El Pomar-Creston
San Miguel CSD
Shandon-San Juan Water District
PBCC Meetings
The PBCC meets quarterly and meetings are open to the public. Meetings begin at 4pm and are held "in-person" at Paso Robles Council Chambers, 1000 Spring Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446.
Parties interested in the management of groundwater in the Paso Robles Basin are encouraged to attend. Remote participation is also available to the public and is noted on each agenda. The agendas and meeting packets be will posted and distributed before the meeting.
Statement of Equity
The PBCC shares the common goal of cost effective, sustainable groundwater management that considers the interests and concerns of all beneficial uses and users of groundwater within the Basin. Read PBCC Statement of Equity.