In 2022, the Paso Basin was awarded a grant from the California Department of Water Resources for the implementation of its Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP).
One of the grant-funded projects is the Blended Water Supply Feasibility Study. This study will consider a project delivering a combination of Nacimiento Water Project (NWP) water and recycled water (RW) from the City of Paso Robles (City) for agricultural irrigation within the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin in lieu of groundwater pumping to help achieve the GSP objective of achieving groundwater sustainability by 2040. The Project is identified in the Paso Robles GSP which was developed by the Paso Basin Cooperative Committee (PBCC) and supported by the five Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs).
Water Systems Consulting (WSC) developed the report and provided updates at PBCC meetings on May 22, 2024, July 24, 2024, and September 25, 2024.
If you have any comments, please email WSC’s Michael Goymerac at The public comment period begins today, January 8, 2025, and concludes February 7, 2025.​